Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I wonder who will notice...

Today I felt like writing in my blog. It has been almost 5 months since I last posted. I have thought about updating it on different occassions, but just ended up with writers block. Hopefully I can get back in to the habbit of blogging again. It's seems to be a phase that comes and goes with me.

Our Kitchen:
Our new kitchen is just about complete. The new floor and cupboards are in and really all it needs is the finishing touches. Our back-splash broke on route to us so I think we are awaiting a new one. Here are some pictures of the progress.

Today is Kayla's birthday and she is now a big 4!! She had a birthday dinner with family on Saturday night and then she and Sam had a party on the Sunday at the bowling alley. They had a really fun time.
From March 9th to 19th we are going to be going on a family vacation (I am so excited) to Arizona to spend some time with my mom and dad. The kids are really excited about going on the airplane to the dessert; or is it desert? I'm not sure, and it doesn't matter, I like them both. I will be sure to post pictures when we get home.
I am still working 3 nights a week although now with Christmas done and over with, it is very slow at the store.
Well I think that's it for now. My big project of the day is to tackle Nick's room. It really needs some organizing and I would rather do it while he is at school so I can do it all my way! Ha. I'm sure we wont hear any complaining from him.


Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa, glad you are back to blogging. Hope you can keep it up. I love the kitchen renos. I will hopefully do my own one day!

Meredith said...

I noticed!!! And I have only been checking again for less than a week.

Michelle Nelson Beaulieu said...

Yes, I noticed as well. Glad to see you back again! Hmm, any OTHER news you want to share??