Friday, April 04, 2008


Not that flattering of a picture, but finally Nick's two front teeth have come out.

They have been loose for so long, like months and months. But would not come out. Brian and I tried wiggling them to death, pulling them with pliers and even tying dental floss around them (and all this after he fell asleep at night as that was the only time he would let us!!!) Then the left adult tooth started growing in and pushed the baby tooth in to his right baby tooth wedging it in between really tight. So he had 3 teeth there for a bit. Thankfully we had some nice weather this past weekend and Brian cut the grass in the back yard for the first time this year and we set the trampoline up. Well, it only took one collision of Nicks mouth on Kayla' s head and voila! we were able to pull out the left one - with a LOT of crying and screaming (and Nick would say) blood. With the one tooth gone and the right one free of being wedged, it didn't take long at all for it to come out as well. I think the next night while Nick was sleeping he bumped it with his hand and it came out. It was hand delivered to me in bed at about 3 am....


On the first of April Nick started T-ball! His team is called the Marlin's and he was happy to find out that he knew almost everyone on his team from school (it is a mix of Kindergarten and grade 1's). It seems to be a busy schedule having about 2-3 games per week until the end of June. So far he likes it a lot. Here are a few pictures that we took of his first game.

Warming up before the game

Up to bat....

This is Nick "paying attention" and "looking ready" on 3rd. lol